If you are reading this, probably it's because you saw an open position in our Social Media (LinkedIn, twitter or Instagram) or you were contacted by the recruitment team. There is an additional possibility that you have reached this article by fate. By any of the reasons you are here reading my words, let me tell you that I want to answer a couple of questions that I made myself before coming to this company and joining the QA team. Questions that probably are the same to you at this moment:
Is this what I was dreaming for? Is Zemoga the right fit or not? Is being a QA Engineer at Zemoga what I was looking for?”
Also, this article will help you to prepare for the one question of your Interview. It is well known that the toughest job interview question is always about yourself, but in this case we will go through the hardest question: ”Why do you want to work here?” or in other words “why do you want to be a QA Engineer at Zemoga?”
I won’t relate a question to each point, but I know for sure the following reasons will give you the answer why being a QA Engineer at Zemoga is the best decision you could make:
1) Learnings & Technical Challenges
Because every feature and every project provides different paradigms and challenges, from the first day we start learning: approaches, implementations, tools, frameworks and more. Also, there are multiple study groups where we can learn about performance, accessibility, OTT and other topics, technologies and tools.
On top of that, we have the autonomy to innovate and propose base frameworks according to our knowledge, while we are being supported by our leads and the QA team to come up with the best approach. Along with this, we have the opportunity to present the work to our team once it is done. Furthermore, we have access to great platforms where we can find complete documentation of different topics and access to platforms of learning. With this, there is as well an opportunity to complete different certifications, such as: ISTQB & programming language certifications.
2) Mentoring & growth
Yeah!... We have a clear understanding of what we need to accomplish. And yes, we have a mentor who helps us to find the best way to grow in our career. We hold monthly meetings where we do follow ups of how our goals are performing and if we want to add additional purposes to our commitment to step forward to the next level. As you can guess, at this point: you grow at your own pace. Plus, people care about you as a person and about your professional growth. As someone mentioned during a talk: “You feel that you are being listened to and at the same time you realize there is a great team that is supporting you all time by not letting you alone”.
At this point, you need to take into consideration that we don't only pay attention to technical skills but to soft skills, too. Communication, time management and teamwork are important pillars that we pay special attention to. Therefore, we have feedback on time that lets us know the aspects we need to improve the most to continue growing and meet the best of us. Having a clear understanding of how you're performing at work is a good feeling.
3) Work-Life Balance & remote work
The first thing to highlight is that we work for objectives and I know how this type of comments make us roll our eyes because they do not give us a clear vision of the schedules that are being managed. So, I went to the QA team and asked how they are feeling about their work-life balance. Most of us agree that there are two or three times in a year when we need to put an extra effort to accomplish a successful release with the teams, but the rest of the time is so well respected that we are able to enjoy our Early Fridays and extra time with family and friends.
Additionally, as some articles in the media state “Zemoga announced that it will have a 100% flexible work model for all its collaborators”. This applies to all employees, but what you need to know about this is that you can work from anywhere as long as you meet the basic time zone or scheduling criteria and internet requirements. I personally know teammates that move around Colombia every two months while working. The experience they get by doing this is outstanding as they have had the ability to know more departments of our beautiful country. Together with this, if we want to go to the office, there is a plan to follow all biosecurity instructions and be able to meet with the ones we work with
Related to remote work, one of our QA’s talked about the great experience of having the opportunity to return with his family after ten years of being apart. Hand in hand with this, the idea of flexible hours is reinforced and boosts the self-confidence to produce high-quality work as a result, because we feel that we are being trusted, which keeps us engaged and excited.
4) A unique team
We have a collaborative environment, but not just in the QA team. We have the opportunity to work with a multidisciplinary team: designers, developers, project managers, marketing, people care and more. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, you will feel comfortable. Zemoga gives you space to independently get your work done, but always is behind your back to support you. With different activities, we are able to share good moments and learn from other disciplines.
5) We are a family!
First thing you need to know, we usually think of Zemoga as our second family. You feel very appreciated in the company, and everyone is willing to help you. We have a positive organizational culture that is the key to feeling motivated and inspired at work.
Extra point: What we agree
Let things come. Zemoga is one of the companies that will allow you to show who you really are, because they are not above you to do this or that. You, yourself, are responsible for showing who you are. Why you entered Zemoga, why they chose you, why you are in a specific project, why you have the position that you have, why they trusted you, why you’ll grow at your own pace…
So, come with us and be part of this great culture and family.
Special thanks to: Cristian Velandia, Dayana Figueredo, Elvis Aragón, Javier García, Jeison Davalos, Keila Martínez, Oscar Diaz, Pamela and Paola Castro who give me their time to make an interview to complete this article.